East Side Professional Painting has been serving clients in and around Milwaukee County for twenty years. We specialize in residential and commercial interiors and exteriors - both existing and new construction.
Because customer satisfaction always comes first, we have been rated either "A" or "A+" by the BBB for quite a few years. We do much repeat business, get free referrals, and even unsolicited Thank-you cards.
The owner of East Side Professional Painting - Jeff Hertel - has been a member of Friends of Lake Park and the Historic Water Tower Neighborhood (HWTN) Associations. Jeff is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee's School of Business Administration (1982), where he also studied architecture for three semesters.
So if you are a home owner, a manager of a multi-unit residential complex, or if you manage almost any other commercial property in the Greater Milwaukee Area, we hope you will consider us for your next painting or wallcovering project. Please view our qualifications for residential or commercial services in the links above, and simply use the Contact Us link to let us know if you would like a free, no-obligation consultation or estimate. It would be our pleasure to serve you.
East Side Professional Painting